What is major might?
1- It is an enviropure demolecualizer of fat ,oil and grease (FOG) that is activated as a dispersant in the presence of water.
2- It is a dirt and grease cleaner in the absence of water for our hands.
3-It is a grease dissolver and waste reducer for industrial and restaurant traps.
4-It is a separator from nuts and bolts.
5-It is a high power dielectric generator cleaner.
6- Major might transforms combustibles to water when applied to oil contaminants in ditches.
7-It is a rust eliminator in equipment and tools of farming ingenious.
8-It guarantees prosperity for future crops.
9-Major Might removes the presence of lipids when displaced from the bilges overseen by the Coast Guard.
10-Major Might is a suppressor of flames when extinguishing A&B fires.

What is major might?
1- It is an enviropure demolecualizer of fat ,oil and grease (FOG) that is activated as a dispersant in the presence of water.
2- It is a dirt and grease cleaner in the absence of water for our hands.
3-It is a grease dissolver and waste reducer for industrial and restaurant traps.
4-It is a separator from nuts and bolts.
5-It is a high power dielectric generator cleaner.
6- Major might transforms combustibles to water when applied to oil contaminants in ditches.
7-It is a rust eliminator in equipment and tools of farms ingenious.
8-It guarantees prosperity for future crops.
9-Major Might removes the presence of lipids when displaced from the bilges overseen by the Coast Guard.
10-Major Might is a suppressor of flames when extinguishing A&B fires.
11-Major Might is capable of terminating the hydrocarbon bonds of lead stearates therefore eliminating thoroughly the presence of lead in the stars of the meters and the water pipes

What is Germ Jolt?
During the 2001 Iraq War the US Department of Defense commissioned an enviropure sanitizer to L’ Atelier D’ Formulation capable of reducing the pain and cancelling the bleeding of the American troops who were holding M-15’s continuously 12 hours a day. The success resulting from clinical trials performed over Germ Jolt showing its antiviral capabilities for braking the hydrocarbons of clinically tested viruses lead L’ Atelier D’ Formulation to trust Germ Jolt as the shaman for encapsulated viruses.

What is Tick-Put –Out?
The clinically tested capacity of Tick-Put-Out to terminate ticks and insects upon contact when they proceed to touch plants and animals that harbor them led L’ Atelier to try it successfully in the termination of anthropod borne pathogens. Presently the US Department of Defense is interested in testing the product throughout military bases.

What is The Germinator?
During the pandemic municipal health facilities in Puerto Rico required low cost antibacterial water based cleaning solutions with acidic ph’s that promised to terminate pathogens.

What is Toucher Soyeux?
A well- blended cream that acts as a sun radiation blocker while sustaining for a longer period of time its hyaluronic acid content derived from soy and oranges. It is this natural hyaluronic acid content that maintains healthy skin while avoiding wrinkles.
1. Ink Dissolver.
2. Separate nuts and bolts.
3. Responsible for deep and total electric generator clean-up.
4. Sanitize the presence of the hydrocarbon in diesel spills over sea water.
5. Eliminate the presence of the hydrocarbon inside used oil crates.
Green technologies
Phasellus et ornare sem. Nam posuere aliquam egestas. Sed tortor magna, commodo mattis augue nec, cursus lobortis nunc. Nullam aliquet eleifend mi, sit amet efficitur ligula mattis vel.
Suspendisse a nunc odio. Phasellus in lectus fermentum, lacinia velit ac, sodales mauris – lorem mattis augue nec.
- Herbicides & pesticides free farming
- Low sulfur oxide containment
- Only natural yeast

Winemaker, Seven Winery founder
Richard Robinson

Operational manager, Richard's son
Gregory Robinson
Nullam aliquet eleifend mi, sit amet efficitur ligula mattis vel. Suspendisse a nunc odio. Phasellus in lectus fermentum, lacinia velit ac, sodales mauris. Donec mattis orci ac odio ultrices consequat quis vel dolor. Integer dictum, tellus ut gravida rhoncus, lacus mauris maximus mauris, quis condimentum neque ipsum ut dui. Aenean massa sapien, faucibus feugiat quam vulputate, condimentum tempor neque. Quisque lobortis venenatis quam vel porta. Mauris mollis in diam ut feugiat.